Published on 04/07/2022

JEMS renews for the 9th consecutive year its commitments with the Global Compact

The Global Compact is the world’s largest sustainability initiative. In a global context of hyper tension on the Earth’s resources, JEMS continues its efforts to readapt its practices in IT with its unique approach to data modeling.



What is the Global Compact again?

The Global Compact is an initiative launched in 2000 by the United Nations with the objective of encouraging companies around the world to “adopt a socially responsible attitude by committing to integrate and promote several principles relating to human rights, international labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.

To be a signatory of the Global Compact is to engage a CSR dynamic within the company by involving a complete ecosystem: its employees, suppliers and customers.

The Global Compact is based on 10 principles divided into 4 categories: Human Rights, International Labor Standards, Environment and Anti-Corruption that each company must respect as a signatory. In 2015, the Global Compact launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 objectives are in line with the 10 principles.

In 2022 in France, 260 companies in the IT sector have joined the Global Compact out of 82,000* that the SYNTEC federation counts.

JEMS is part of the 0.5% of digital companies adhering to the Global Compact since 2013.


In concrete terms, what does JEMS do?

CSR can take many forms. For a company in the IT industry like JEMS, it is important to clearly define our stakes. To do so, we have studied international standards such as ISO 260001, but also the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact of the French network, or the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative.

For several years, we have decided to use the Ecovadis evaluation methodology with its 21 criteria to guide our CSR strategy, which we publish every year.

Since the beginning of its participation, JEMS has acquired the ECOVADIS GOLD medal, which places us in the top 1% of companies worldwide.

But we have gone further. We have developed our own projects. Among these we can mention :

  1. Our partnership with the citizen platform LES VENDREDI. It allows employees to take part in one or more associative, humanitarian, social or environmental missions. The company allows employees to spend two days on these projects.
  2. In 2021, we launched a collection of clothes, shoes and toys for the SIAO 92. More than 100 kilos were collected. We also donated 15 computers to the Pôles association
  3. Recruiting more women at JEMS: broadening recruitment criteria, valuing different types of backgrounds, recruiting profiles of all ages, setting up operational career paths to encourage professional retraining. While the Syntec gives an average of 16% in the so-called technical professions (according to the Syntec Numérique study of 4/03/2021), we have 23% of women in our workforce. And of course, we will continue this initiative.


JEMS’ Data Centric approach: the key to CSR

JEMS is a data industrialist. We have developed a unique data modeling method on the market that is a true cost reduction approach. Without going into detail, our method allows us to launch use cases on the market x5 faster and at lower cost. We will develop use cases at marginal cost and from the 2nd use case, it becomes exponential.

Because we remove “Raw Table” and “Data Table” from the well-known layered model, we create savings :

in development costs (less code to do),
in operating costs, because moving from one layer to another represents computer processing. Less CPU means less CO2 generated.

It is a minimum gain of 30% that we expect with our method.



JEMS has been a member of the Global Compact since 2013. For the past 9 years, we have been continuously redoubling our efforts. This was made concrete in 2022 when we received the GREAT PLACE TO WORK label.

But, more than certifications, we have to set an example as a data expert because, in the current geopolitical context, nobody can afford not to achieve a global and sustainable economy.


Matthieu LENTZ