JEMS Data Centric model

Data Centric model: a data platform at the heart of your approach


What is the Data Centric model?

There is a level of data maturity where all companies can be found:

You have data but it remains in silos

You analyze past activities in a data warehouse

You have a 360° view of your business

You have a Data platform and you are looking for innovative use cases

Your organization is aware of its data patrimony
and has organized itself in a Data Centric model.


We propose a methodological approach to build your asset data in layers with a Data Centric approach to bring you to level 5, the only level where :

– the constitution of your data patrimony is independent of sources and uses;

– the re-usability of data is maximized by a common company model.

Modèle Data Centric JEMS


Why being Data Centric?

A product-oriented approach encourages the creation of silos, even in a centralized platform. Our datacentric approach eliminates silos, builds a data patrimony and allows for maximum re-usability of data.

This re-usability of data drastically reduces the development cost and the Time to Market of use cases.


Our offer :

Our approach is not only a layered data organization, but also a patrimonial data organization. This patrimonial organization sets up a mutualized layer of data independent of data sources and uses to maximize re-usability.

Our approach consists of organizing teams into Core Teams and Feature Teams to avoid the creation of data silos:

– The Core Team is responsible for building the patrimony

– The Feature Team(s) work with the business to develop the use cases


A product-oriented approach encourages the creation of silos, even in a centralized platform


Want to know more? Contact us!


Which working method? Agility! 

We set up a training and certification system on agility at scale (SAFe).