Fine-tuned governance in insurance

In order to meet the very strong regulatory requirements of the Insurance Code and the European directives, the Groupe Pasteur Mutualité has set up fine-grained data governance in insurance.
The stakes for the Groupe Pasteur Mutualité in the insurance sector
The Groupe Pasteur Mutualité is a mutual insurance group dedicated to health professionals, in the medical and paramedical fields, which has existed for more than 160 years. GPM has very strong requirements around the quality of the data in particular concerning the regulatory requirements included in the Insurance Code. The regulatory authorities (ECB, IMF) have been reinforced by Solvency II. Solvency II is a European regulatory reform of the insurance world.
Providing quality data governance in insurance represented a considerable challenge.
Which governance solution to make data more reliable?
As part of its data governance offer, JEMS was able to implement ASG Technologies’ solution to improve the reliability of data governance, which allowed it to perform the following tasks:
- Inventory of all data assets with precise targeting.
- Governance: documenting processes and building use cases.
- Governance set-up: who approves what, how?
- Sharing and giving access to all business lines to generate new services.
- Accompany teams through the cultural change.