Cinando: a platform for film professionals

How to become the essential digital platform for film professionals?
Cinando was launched in 2003 by the Marché du Film – Festival de Cannes as a comprehensive database of Cannes participants. Today, it has become the first international network offering film professionals the best tools to navigate the film industry: contacts, films, projects in development, screening schedules, market participants, candidates… everything is available immediately!
Cinando’s main mission is to facilitate access to information and collaboration between members of the film industry. This requires on-going improvement of the existing system and proposing new services in line with the expectations and needs of very demanding users.
JEMS’ approach: innovate, secure while guaranteeing quality and ease of use.
Solution provided
Since 2007, JEMS has been working with Marché du Film on various extranet and mobile projects. The complete overhaul of the multilingual middle-office “MyData” of the Cinando platform allows users to manage their information. The virtual screening room is the main feature of the platform and makes it possible to organize private screenings online. In 2008, Cinando started its digital transformation by creating a new platform of tools, services and exchange; allowing users to interact, manage their publications, create their network, manage their information and publish their professional news.