A new data service for thousands of certified public accountants

The company Cegid, leader in solutions for CPAs, has unified several million databases in order to create use cases on demand and in record time thanks to its data-centric development.
Project background
Cegid offers management solutions for professionals in the accounting, tax, payroll and human resources fields. Cegid has 3,600 employees and achieved a turnover of €498 million in 2020. Several years ago, Cegid embarked on a strategy of using the Cloud as a development and distribution platform for its software. To support the development of a new range of data-centric services, Cegid sought the expertise of JEMS.
The JEMS solution
The data-centric program consisted in acquiring all the data from all the accounting firms in France that use Cegid software. That’s several million databases. The next step was to unify all these databases and, once the data had been standardized, anonymized and enriched, to be able to offer new management services to clients. The asset was built in Microsoft Azure with processing in Talend Databricks and data visualization in Snowflake. Finally, the dashboards were developed using Toucan Toco technologies. The result: a new powerful data service for thousands of accountants!
Technologies used
Talend | DataBricks | Snowflake | Microsoft Azure | Toucan Toco
Missions carried out
- Data architecture recommendation, choice of tools.
- Deployment of environments and services in the Microsoft Azure cloud.
- Implementation phase (build mode, industrialization and testing) and deployment.