Tool the processes and the organization around the Data asset


What is data governance?

Data governance policies allow us to guarantee the reliability and quality of data. They are part of our approach to building data patrimony. It corresponds to the documentation of the 6 facets of the data asset: What, Who, Where, Why, When, and How. It is vital to define a common language around the asset data and to break the functional silos in order to guarantee the control of the content of the data platforms.

Why should I do data governance?

  • Because I want to get the most value out of my data asset and to do so, it must be properly organized, structured and documented;
  • Because I want to guarantee the constitution of a shared asset allowing a fluid and transparent collaboration between the technical and business teams throughout the company.

Our differentiating factors around data governance

  1. Ability to automate the link with the IS, documentation of the technical metamodel, data governance by design
  2. An operational model separating the teams working on the asset (core team) from those working on the use cases (feature teams)
  3. Facilitate the mapping of the data asset by implementing a documentary metamodel
  4. Automate the feedback of data asset information to accelerate the documentation process.


« Quality is quantity assimilated »

Léon-Paul Fargue – Poet​



The JEMS advantages


Our Data Governance or Data Management services

  • Governance strategy: getting started with best practices
  • Setting up governance – defining people and roles according to operational, tactical, strategic or coordination activities.
  • Mapping the company’s data aka data lineage. Creation of the business-oriented dictionary and creation tools.


Our partners in data governance

  • Dictionary and Data lineage :



Want to go further? Discover our case studies :

  • BPI France : Implementation of Data Governance
  • Renault : GDPR compliance
  • Servier : Audit and strategy of data governance
  • Thalès : Defining a data governance and data mapping


Want to know more? Contact us


Which working method? Agility! 

We set up a training and certification system on agility at scale (SAFe).