JEMS, a long-standing partner in sustainability

JEMS is Europe’s leading data manufacturer, and our ambition is to become the benchmark for responsible digital business. We integrate the most demanding social, environmental, societal and ethical standards at every stage of our value chain to actively contribute to the challenges of our time.

At JEMS, our commitment to CSR is a strategic issue that guides our growth and impact.

Our CSR policy is based on four pillars: Social, Environmental, Societal and Governance, which form the foundation of our historical commitment.
These pillars are reflected in our day-to-day missions and actions for all our employees and with all our stakeholders (customers, suppliers and partners).

Our challenges

On the one hand, to reduce the company’s impact on our environment and increase the value of our contribution for our employees and stakeholders.
Secondly, to reduce the risks associated with our sector, by adopting a continuous improvement approach capable of anticipating social and environmental changes.

CSR strategy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Environmental Societal Governance and certification
  • Climate change and Digital Responsible


  • Resources and Circularities
  • Corporate philanthropy


  • Ambassadors’network
  • Ethics, Compliance


  • Responsible Purchasingpolicy


  • Certifications and Labels
  • Bilan Carbone,
  • SBTI
  • Ecovadis – ISO 27001
  • Cybervadis, Planet tech care

CSR news

Women in tech, the Women In Tech by JEMS initiative

JEMS Academy: managing talent and internal training efforts

Handicap at JEMS: Episode 2 with Ethan

JEMS awarded EcoVadis GOLD label for CSR performance